written by

Michael Woods (He/Him)

Including Students with Disability in School Sport (Free Course)

Inclusive Sport Design has partnered with ASAPD (Australian Sporting Alliance for People with a Disability) to create the Including Students with Disability in School Sport online training module.

This free course is for people working in the School Sport and Physical Education System who want to help connect participants to mainstream sporting pathways and opportunities.

This course will inform you about the many options, benefits and impacts of sport and physical activity and how you can help students with disability get involved so that they can participate in the community, build their capacity and reach their goals.

You will learn:

  • Understand the pathways and opportunities in sport and active recreation for people with disability
  • Identify the barriers, motivations and benefits of participating in sport and active recreation for people with disability
  • Understand the teachers role in supporting students to access and engage in sport and active recreation
  • Identify methods to adapt and modify activities to include participants with disabilities in sport and active recreation
  • Identify ways to connect students to sport and active recreation providers

Enroll in this course via the ASAPD website by following the link below.

Click this link to enroll.

[This course is delivered within the ISD Academy with enrolment via the ASAPD website]

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Inclusive Sport Design acknowledges the Gundungurra and Tharawal people who are the custodians of the land where we work and live. Gundungurra and Tharawal people have strong connection to the Wingecarribee, Wollondilly and Nattai rivers through culture, dreaming and songlines. We pay respect to their elders past, present and emerging.