Promoting inclusion and diversity in sport at all levels
We help sport people, clubs and organisation make inclusion happen. Inclusive Sport Design is here to help you remove barriers, create opportunities and make inclusion part of what you do so your club or organisation reflects the diversity in your community.
Helping sport people and organisations
make inclusion happen.

Sport Organisations
We work closely with peak sporting bodies to help them and their clubs, to adopt inclusive practices and policies by providing advisory, consulting and project services.
Local Government
We work with councils to support their goals for more inclusive and accessible sport in their community.
Clubs & Sport Providers
We help community clubs and sport enterprises connect with diverse audiences and create inclusive places to play through best practice advice, tools and resources.
We offer volunteer club administrators, coaches and others free and low-cost tools, resources and guidance as well as opportunities to connect with others to help them on their inclusion journey.
Visit Our Community Hub
You are here because you care about inclusion and diversity in sport. Guess what? You’re not alone! The Inclusive Sport Design Community Hub is your one-stop shop for all things inclusion in sport. It makes it easy to find what you need and to connect with others committed to inclusion in sport. Discover what’s happening and join the conversation.
Sport is for
Every Body
Founded by Michael Woods, Inclusive Sport Design aims to help sports organisations, clubs and volunteers increase participation and improve awareness of inclusion practices through education, advice and support services. We are passionate about improving accessibility, equality, and diversity in sports and have developed services for every budget.
Michael has strived to create welcoming and inclusive opportunities so that sport is something that everyone can be a part of. We go above and beyond to help your organisation, clubs and volunteers achieve their goals.
Inclusive Sport Design works closely with sport organisations wanting to embed inclusive culture and practice within their sport. We assist with inclusion strategy, policy, program design, workforce training and development and innovative projects. We will help you make inclusion part of what you do so your sport reflects the diversity of the community.
We understand the importance of building awareness, confidence and capability around inclusive practice and diversity issues. Through our education offerings, we aim to build the capacity of the sport sector at all levels to take action on inclusion. We offer industry-leading online courses, webinars and tailored workshops.
Empowering everyone in sport to take action on inclusion is core to our mission. That’s why we offer plenty of free and low-cost resources to help you on your inclusion journey, including articles, guides, videos, templates and other practical tools. Our resources are referred to and used by leading sport organisations, government agencies, universities and sport providers from around the world.
Inclusive Sport Design works with amazing illustrators to create joyful illustrations of diverse sports people and activities for use in digital projects. These illustrations are designed to be used in documents and marketing material, on websites and apps, anywhere. We’ve created these illustrations to reflect the wonderful diversity of our sporting world. Because representation matters.
Inclusion is a journey. All you have to do is start.
Let’s talk about how we can work together to make inclusion happen.