Take action on inclusion with our leading online courses.
With ISD Academy courses you will build your confidence and capability to create welcoming, inclusive and accessible opportunities in sport so that Every Body can play.

ISD Webinar | Culture change for inclusion in sport
In this webinar we will explore how organisations can foster a culture of inclusion, to truly make a difference and create lasting change.

ISD Webinar | Impact measurement for inclusive sport initiatives
This webinar will deliver a nuts-and-bolts approach to create and implement a measurement and evaluation strategy that will work for your organisation or initiative rather without the complicated theory and jargon.

ISD Webinar | Ally as a verb not a noun
In this webinar we will discuss what allyship looks like in a sporting context, for clubs, associations, volunteers and players.

ISD Webinar | Strategies for Multicultural Communication
This webinar will explore strategies for effective communication with multicultural audiences in community sport.

ISD Webinar | Inclusive Sports: A pathway towards friendship for people with and without disability
This webinar explores how to create opportunities for genuine friendships between people with and without disability through sport and active recreation.
Web Accessibility for Sport and Physical Activity Providers
This online mini-course provides an introduction to web accessibility and best practices for creating accessible websites. Through a series of interactive lessons, learners will gain an understanding of accessibility guidelines, techniques, and tools to improve the user experience for all users, including people with disabilities.

ISD Webinar | Models of participation for inclusive sport
This webinar explores models of participation from exclusion to belonging and discusses the importance of choice to foster engagement with real life case studies.

Inclusion Action Plans That Work
The Inclusion Action Plans That Work course walks you through, step-by-step, the process of developing an effective inclusion action plan for your sports club or organisation. For inclusion to become a priority in any organisation you need to establish accountability, clarify responsibility, provide deadlines and foster commitment in order to deliver on actions that will make an impact. An effective inclusion action plan provides this and more.

How to write an inclusion commitment statement
This mini-course steps you through how to write an inclusion commitment statement for your sports club. At the end of this course, you get a free template that you can download and use as a starting point for an inclusion commitment statement for your club.
Inclusive Club Kickstarter
The Inclusive Club Kick Starter will help you lead your club towards creating more opportunities for people from diverse backgrounds, perspectives and abilities to get involved. In this course, you will be guided through seven practical actions that will set your club up for inclusion success. Ultimately this means that your club's membership will not only grow but will be more reflective of your local community.
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